these may be served as they are for dessert, I find that on many more occasions
I use them with something else. They are wonderful with vanilla ice cream, or
with Peppered Pears in Port, or with Peppered Peaches in Port. I have diced ½
cup or more of the prunes and added them to Ginger Apple Betty before baking,
and I have also served them alongside baked apples (a big hit). I have put them
in a cheesecake and in ice cream. I pureed the prunes and added the puree to
brownies. Alongside a chocolate cake (any chocolate cake) they are spectacular.
Armagnac is the name of a brandy distilled from wines in southwest
France. It has a highly prized, distinctive flavor. However, cognac can replace
Armagnac in this recipe – it will be slightly different but equally delicious.
There is practically nothing involved with preparing the prunes. And
they last – and last. (They should stand for at least a week before they are
served. However, for a puree to use in other recipes an hour is enough if you
are in a hurry.) A jar of these is a great gift (especially at Christmas).” –
Maida Heatter.
Rendimento: 950ml
- ½ xícara de açúcar
- 1/3 de xícara de vinho do porto
- 340g de ameixas secas, sem caroço
- ½ xícara de Armagnac
1 – Numa panela de fundo grosso misture o açúcar e o vinho
do porto, leve em fogo médio até que o açúcar se dissolva e a calda levante
2 – Adicione as ameixas, mexa delicadamente e reduza para
fogo baixo, de modo que a calda ferva;
3 – Tampe a panela e deixe cozinhar, mexendo ocasionalmente,
até que as ameixas estejam completamente tenras. Retire do fogo e deixe
4 – Acrescente o Armagnac, mexa delicadamente e transfira
para um recipiente com tampa;
5 – Pressione as ameixas para que fiquem todas submersas;
6 – Conserve sob refrigeração, pode durar meses.
Revire o recipiente ocasionalmente para
manter as ameixas sempre embebidas.
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